I had the opportunity to meet with Marty in a business group. I was also lucky to attend coaching and mediation sessions conducted by her. What made me interested was that she always had a question. Only few people have this ability, and even fewer are able to use it in a genuine way. It’s incredible that questions alone can conduct changes in people’s lives while improving both their private and professional lives. In addition this is done in a way that it is not you who is saying what the truth of life is, but you make them say it. With your help I was able to ease the weight on my shoulders unbelievably fast and I have been confident in my decision ever since. Based on my exceptional experience I can only recommend the courses of Coaching & NLP Academy by S. Toth Marta and the opportunities for development provided by Marty.”

Adrienn Rapcsák
Sales Manager,The Three Corners Hotel Bristol ****

We started a cooperation with Marta according to her high professionality in HR consulting business, especially in the field of coaching. She can build up a fantastic connection with the her business partners based on her personality. Marta is very reliable partner, I would highly recommend her to any one of my professional contact.
Furár Zoltán
GM, Gyémánthegy XXI. Ltd.

When I get on my way to meet Marti, it does not feel as if I was going to work. Rather I feel as if it was a friendly and thoughtful conversation. But still, every time I leave with new ideas, new round of duties and tasks which she always checks the next time! There is serious work going on under the surface in both of our minds. Marti feels what your strengths are and which are the areas that need development, and where are the boundaries of your comfort zone. She is really agile in stretching these boundaries, and asking about the activities that are not my forte. With every question and task I feel progress. With the help of Marti, we have changed the structure of the company within half a year, we have established an advisory group, moved to a new office, and made decisions we were delaying for a while. She deserves thanks and gratitude for her work!
Endre Vojtek
CEO at Assessment Systems Hungary

All progress and positive change starts with knowing ourselves deeper. The coaching course of Coaching & NLP Academy by S. Toth Marta is a very good step on this road. I am grateful that I could took part in it, I already know that I have obtained serious knowledge which I will be able to use for a long time.
Coaching can be the cure, a solution for a life situation or a business challenge, but it’s important to know that it is us, who need to solve the problem. Finding the right direction – either in life or business coaching – can be aided with properly aimed questions. Marta S. Toth is asking questions brilliantly with huge empathy, I recommend her to anyone.
Tímea Mege

Marta Toth is an interesting and interested Trainer and Coach, who gives all her energy and knowledge for her clients and projects.
Claudia Catharina Bonacker
Business Development for Professional Service Firms

Did you ever have a feeling while in a business meeting with one of your partners, and suddenly out of thin air you got a vision, and you can see the future of your partner? Mysterious? No, it isn’t, its reality. Don’t wait until tomorrow, go and have a coaching session with Marta S. Toth, and you will find out the secret.
I witness it over and over again that there are a lot of trainers around. How to choose the right one? If you like challenges, extremes, and are curious how a lion will transform into a pussy cat in an hour, than Marta S.Toth is your coach. When you learn from someone, you look for values, thoughts, techniques or phrase to pick up. Or, whether the coach is able to drive you through the hardest time of your life. And doing it in a simple, but superb way.
Just listening all the way, and not saying you need to go to “A” or “B”; merely having a conversation, and suddenly you realize that your subconscious has already found the right solution. And as a result, you will desire coaching and the success following…
Nagy Tamas talking about the trainings
owner VIP-Phone Europe

We have been working together with Marti for about half a year now. Today I think the sometimes unpleasant moments of unexpected confrontations of the first occasions were the most valuable “investments” for the business. Our company proved itself on the EU market as a tendering operator and an intermediary in EU credits and funds; with the guidance of Marti it began clear to me that PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT is the desired way forward and with unchanged organization structure it is impossible to keep the high standard of service. Together we worked out the goals and terminus of the development process, corrected and recorded my business plan. I have decided, that in order to share my managerial duties I will look for a manager colleague, who is skilled both in business development and in a day to day business operation, so we can concentrate on the quality of work both in building the business and providing high level of service. Currently we are ensuring that besides our 6 tender writer partners, further 4 colleague will provide stability in the busy tendering periods. For professionally informing the commissioning bodies, for expert collation of the tenders, we provide steady, professional, accentuated, client-dedicated EU advisers of high standard.
Naturally we are also endeavor to further develop our line of services to be able to serve our clients, specially in the financial sector.
Before Marti I visited a few other coaches, but with her personality, knowledge, and the ray of coaching tools used (life coaching, business coaching, NLP coaching, etc) she was the only one convincing.
Strict rules and caring provision are both marks of Marti, she always finds motivation adecvate to the situation.
Our work in structural development brought spectacular results, I can’t wait to start the next tendering cycle with the new structure.
Thank you for your continuous support.
Peter Miklovicz
Executive Manager, Gordius Solutions Tender Ltd.

My experience and opinion is that a professional mediator can help a lot to solve our life problems through understanding the other while paying attention to his/her real problems. This is true both in the private and professional life.
Marti S. Toth is a professional who tunes into her client in seconds, listens, pays attention and helps us with deep, thorough questions so we can unfold the roots of our problems and find the solutions ourselves. She even helps when we already know what to change and do. How? By asking questions! She follows up whether we’ve done those often tiny steps we promised to take ourselves.
Nikoletta Kiss
Executive Manager, Palmsped Cargo 2009 Ltd.

I regularly visit Marti for coaching since October 2013. I have to confess, before that time I had no idea about a role of a coach. Now I know by experience, that all businesses who wants to progress need a professional coach. Before the first occasion I did not think that in less than a year we will have such change withing the company, in my work and in my personal life. I can say, that I had a very productive period and Marti, who earned my trust on the first occasion had a great contribution. I found her very efficient in all occasions.
I liked that she helped me to find the key to my development with thorough questions, and complete it with her experience. I am also grateful for Marti in reaching our huge goal, and from October 2014 starting on the Slovak market too. She was a significant help in the occasions of business trainings and job interviews. I am ready for further exciting challenges 🙂
Nagy Tamas talking about business coaching
owner VIP-Phone Europe

I am working with Marti for a few month now in business coaching.
She reflects, asks questions and guides… Her evaluations are reliable, her advise proven.
I bravely recommend her!
Györgyi Egyed
Business Manager, Dorado XXI

A highly focused and insightful coach with ample experience.
Always full of energy, enthusiasm and certainly has the trans-formative and inspirational power you would look for!
Adam Reparszky
Coach in London

About the group coaching: I can see more chances to build longer term and stern relationship with clients. In terms of work relations between colleagues, I think everybody got closer to self-realization, therefore conflicts at the workplace will be resolved easier; we will create fewer problems, therefore more energy is reserved for work duties.
Farkas Enikő
Sales Manager, TV2

Once I finished coaching I realized that conditioning the mind is just as important as training the body for me. I do not mean learning here, but an external expert’s help, who can help to realign my way of thinking. The conversation was truly inspiring, I’m still under its influence. Thank you for the opportunity!
Kovács Edina
Viasat TV