Conflict Management Training

1 day course

At work, people disagree. And sometimes these disagreements can develop into arguments; creating a conflict situation.

Conflict management is specialised training that is designed to help you to deal with those difficult, emotional conflict situations, in a more rational, calm and professional manner.
The important question is: how well do you handle conflict situations? Some people mishandle conflict by coming on too strong. Others are not strong enough. Some people run away and hide from all conflict situations.

The solution to conflict is to develop a rational approach to all people and all problems. Use reason, as opposed to either a high-emotional approach or avoidance.
If you want to improve your abilities as a conflict manager, then you need to reserve your place on this popular one day training course.

About the Course

You work with your colleagues, customers, and suppliers. You do this by giving them the best products, services and information that you can.

Sometimes, people do the wrong things and you need to give them, what you might call, Negative feedback: or Constructive criticism. The problem is: most people don’t like giving criticisim: and they certainly don’t like receiving criticism.

So then, you find yourself stuck in a conflict situation. All conflict situations need to be handled carefully – therefore you need to have a good method for handling conflict situations. You need a rational approach to conflict management.

This one day Conflict management training is designed to demonstrate and teach correct conflict management principles: it is designed to help you to manage any conflict situation: It provides a reference point to enable you to deal with conflicts in a clear, rational, assertive, and non-aggressive manner.

Conflict Management Course Objectives

On this course, you will learn exactly how to handle conflict situations and difficult people.
You will learn what to do:
• If you believe that the conflicts may sometimes be based on a miscommunication
• If you have to handle strong, confident characters that you find difficult to deal with
• If you have to handle moody, emotional characters that you also find difficult
• If you sometimes lose your temper and make the conflict situation worse – not better, by saying too much
• If you leave it and just hope the situation will resolve itself
• If you wait and wait and wait….and then let rip!
• If you sometimes say to yourself “I know what I mean but I can’t explain it”
• If you are unsure when it is right and when it is NOT right, to compromise
• If any of the above descriptions fit you, then the course will be a benefit.

Benefits of this conflict management course

• You will feel more confident during all conflict situations.
• You will get the best possible result from the situation with the minimum fuss, in the shortest possible time.
• You will avoid all the expense, perils and emotional turmoil of a badly managed conflict situation.
• You will feel happy to handle conflict situations involving even the most difficult people.

The Training Method

All our trainings are based on the Lineo CoachingTM unique and innovative method of teaching. Lineo CoachingTM was developed by Marta S. Toth and combine knowledge and techniques of Coaching, NLP and Mediation.
Read more about Marta.

The training method follows this general pattern – the training is very interactive and inovative:
• The trainer gives a clear explanation of the point in question with specific examples.
• Then, the delegates practice by doing an exercise with each other.
• The delegates practice by doing exercise with the trainer.
• Delegates are asked to write down an associated action, for each point made.

Training Details

Please note all our training courses include two coaching sessions for each participants. The coaching sessions can be 1-on-1 (in our office), via telephone or Skype.

We offer Conflict Management Training as a one days in house course. However if this course is not exactly right for you, we will be very happy to discuss your specific goals and to work with you to put together a bespoke programme.

Please call us on +36 70 394 5336 to discuss your requirements for the in house training course.

If you want to know more about any Management Training Course or their suitability for you or a colleague call us on +36 70 394 5336 or email us: